Since 1993... Conservatory of
Fine Arts
The original initiator and organizer of Her Presence In Colours-
Asian/International Women Artists Exhibition series
since 1993 International Women Artists Council
(INWAC) started since 1999...
1993 - Beijing, China
Her Presence In Colours I -7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition 1993 held at Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, in July 1993 was the First Asian Women Artists Exhibition.

In 1999 in Bangkok, the INWAAC is a non-governmental organisation funded by voluntary contributions from its members.
The exhibition has successfully showcased some 9 times in various locations including, China, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, England, America, Australia... This 10th exhibition in Vietnam is the largest so far produced./.

2002 - UK
Her Presence in Colours V : International Women's Art Towards a Sustainable Environment / United Kingdom : Chinese Marketing & Communication, (CMC). 'Her Presence in Colour V' held at Clock Tower Gallery, Sheffield, United Kingdom, between 23 Aug - 4 Oct 2002.
The exhibition presented works by over sixty women artists from different regions of the world present their works together to reflect their innermost sensibilities and thoughts in relation to life, art and aesthetics.
The theme of the exhibition is in line with the organiser's mission of reaffiriming the deep meaning of women's art which is non commercial in essence. The art reflects a natural fondness for beauty and nature contributing to sustaining the spirirtuality of our contemporary existence.
Her Presence In Colours I -7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition 1993 held at Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, in July 1993 was the First Asian Women Artists Exhibition

2010- Korea
Her Presence In Colours I -7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition 1993 held at Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, in July 1993 was the First Asian Women Artists Exhibition.

2014 - Mongolia
Her Presence In Colours XI International Women Artists Exhibition- Mongolia 2014 opened at Mongolian Modern Art Gallery on July 21st. Exhibition of prestigious art works that are created and shown in galleries and museums all around the world is on display first time in Mongolia.
The Exhibition is organized by Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism, International women artists council /INWAC/, Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery and Tenkhleg-Urlag NGO.124 participants from 20 different countries meet and exhibit together at the Mongolia Contemporary Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar this time.
2018 - Shanghai, China
Her Presence In Colours XII-Taiwan 2016 她的彩色空間系列之十二

2021- Online Exhibition
Her Presence In Colours I -7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition 1993 held at Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, in July 1993 was the First Asian Women Artists Exhibition

In 1999 in Bangkok, the INWAAC is a non-governmental organisation funded by voluntary contributions from its members.
The exhibition has successfully showcased some 9 times in various locations including, China, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, England, America, Australia... This 10th exhibition in Vietnam is the largest so far produced./.

1999 - Bangkok, Thailand
In 1999 in Bangkok, the INWAAC is a non-governmental organisation funded by voluntary contributions from its members.
The exhibition has successfully showcased some 9 times in various locations including, China, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, England, America, Australia... This 10th exhibition in Vietnam is the largest so far produced./.

2004 -
Her Presence In Colours I -7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition 1993 held at Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, in July 1993 was the First Asian Women Artists Exhibition.

2008 - Beijing, China
Her Presence In Colours I -7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition 1993 held at Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, in July 1993 was the First Asian Women Artists Exhibition

2012 - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
The 10th exhibition entitled “Her presence in colours” by the International Women’s Artists Council (INWAAC) has just opened at the Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Museum for the first time on June 24th. The exhibition has attracted 212 women artists, sculptors and lecturers in fine art from 23 countries and territories worldwide, including France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, England, Canada, Russia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Vietnam...
Themed, “A new direction”, the exhibition reflects a new way of expressing the insight and views of female artists to other cultures around the world.
2016 - Taiwan
Her Presence In Colours XII-Taiwan 2016 她的彩色空間系列之十二

2020 - USA