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Her Presence in Colours XIV – Online Exhibition 2021
2021年第十四届《她的色彩空间》世界女艺术家- 线上联展
Greetings to you all! 大家安好!
It has been quite some time since we postponed the HPiC XIV USA 2020 last year, the outbreak of COVID-19 which has affected countries all over the world. The global health crisis and the uncertainty resulting from it profoundly affected organisations' operations as well as individuals. In response, after considering the safety for women artists and families, the exhibition committees decided to put in an intensive effort providing a digital platform to host the exhibition online which will replace Her Presence in Colours XIV – San Francisco 2020.
自去年我们推迟了 “2020年旧金山第十四届《她的色彩空间》世界女艺术家联展” 以来已经有一段时间了,新冠肺炎COVID-19 疫情的爆发已经影响了世界各地的国家。 全球健康危机及其带来的不确定性深刻影响了组织的运营和个人。 作为回应,在考虑到女性艺术家和家庭的安全后,展览委员会决定加紧努力提供数字平台来在线举办展览,以取代 “2020年旧金山第十四届《她的色彩空间》世界女艺术家联展》”。
Event : Her Presence in Colours XIV International Online Exhibition 2021
Theme : To Promote Filial Piety
Date : November 2021
展览 : “第十四届《她的色彩空间》世界女艺术家线上联展”
日期 : 2021 年 11 月

Thank You for your
continue support!
HPiC XIII 2018 - Shanghai

Theme : To Promote Filial Piety
主题 : 弘扬孝道
Filial piety is illustrated by the Chinese character xiao (孝). The character is a combination of the character lao (old) above the character zi (son), that is, an elder being carried by a son. This indicates that the older generation should be supported by the younger generation. According to the traditional texts, filial piety consists of physical care, love, service, respect and obedience. Children should attempt not to bring disgrace upon their parents.
孝是由中国字“孝”所示。 孝字是由“老”字上部和“子”字组合而成的一个会意字,即儿子背着长老。 这表明老一代应该得到年轻一代的支持。 根据传统文本,孝包括身体上的照顾、爱心、服务、尊重和服从。 孩子们应该尽量不要让父母丢脸。