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About Her Presence In Colours Exhibition series (since 1993...)


Conservatory of Fine Arts (CFA), an art institution cum art center established in 1987 as a vehicle to perpetuate the development of Fine Arts in the region under the initiative of  Dr. Yuen Chee Ling, the co-founder cum Director of Conservatory of Fine Arts,  the first Her Presence in Colours I - 7 Asian Women Artists Exhibition was successfully held at the Central Institute of Fine Arts, Beijing, China in July 2003. This first Asian women artists show was supported by the Ministry of Culture Malaysia, the Penang State Government and the China International Friendship Association.

Since then, Her Presence in Colours exhibition series have expanded in its scope and arena. To date, Her Presence in Colours -International Women Artists Exhibition Series I to XII were held at the museums /important state art galleries at Beijing (1993), Penang(1995,1997), Bangkok(1999-2000), Sheffield (UK-2002), )Kuala Lumpur (2003), Melbourne (Australia-2004), Dague (Korea-2006), Beijing (OLympic-2008), Portland (USA 2010), Ho Chi Ming City (Vietnam 2012), Ulanbaatar (Mongolia-2014), Kaohsiung (China Taiwan 2016), Shanghai, China (2018), The coming Her Presence in Colours exhibition series XIV will be held in San Francisco, USA.  


The Aims of "Her Presence in Colours" series of exhibitions :

  • To promote goodwill and international friendship amongst the women artists through art.contribution of women artists in offering their truthful and honest self in art.• To provide the opportunity for people to gain insights into the unique essence of women's art and the

  • It is also our hope that through Her Presence In Colours series we can encourage love, understanding and unity amongst the women artists from the countries involved.

  • The Theme"Her Presence in Colours" reflects the cohesive spirit of the women artists and their inner passion for life and art, their concern and awareness, their emotions and aspirations.

关于她彩色空间-亚洲 / 世界女艺术家联展系列


1) 推动女性艺术,启发社会人士对女性艺术创作的题认。
2〕 促进世界各地女性艺术工作者彼此之间的交流和友善关系。
3〕 鼓励女性艺术家通过艺术形式表现自我意识内涵,带动社会文化以的平衡发展。

《她彩色空间-亚洲/世界女艺术家联展系列》至1993年在中国北京中央美院画廊成功举行第一次历史性展览后,每两年在一个国家举行国际性展览。她彩色空间-亚洲/世界女艺术家联展系列 II –VI 已经依序在马来西亚槟洲博物院画廊,泰国曼谷丝安笆卡皇宫美术馆,马来西亚理科大学ADIWARNA GALLERY,英国CLOCK TOWER GALLERY,和澳洲 MANNINGHAM GALLERY等地举行亚洲/世界性的女画家联展。每次的画展都得到各界人士,包括官方,工商及企业界,社会各阶层人式的热烈的反应及支持。由开始时的7个先锋女画家,人数一路增加,在泰国的展览超过60名不同国藉的女画家参加 ; 英国和澳洲的展览由于画展空间问题,需限定人数80余位。2006年9月份在韩国大邱艺术文化馆举行的《她彩色空间-亚洲/世界女艺术家联展系列VII》,参展女画家人数逾120名。2008年度《她彩色空间-亚洲/世界女艺术家联展系列VIII》将于北京中国美术馆举行。

由于世界各国女性艺术家的热烈响应和支持,为了持续《她彩色空间-亚洲/世界女艺术家联展系列》的理念以实践推动女性艺术全球化的概念,槟榔艺术学院院长源子玲院长特召集各国女性艺术代表成立世界国际女艺术家理事会(INTERNATIONAL WOMEN ARTISTS COUNCIL -INWAC)。

世界女艺术家友谊理事会(INWAC) (1993) :
为了持续《她彩色空间-亚洲/世界女艺术家联展系列》的理念以实践推动女性艺术全球化的概念,槟榔艺术学院院长源子玲院长特召集各国女性艺术代表成立世界女艺术家理事会(INTERNATIONAL WOMEN ARTISTS COUNCIL -INWAC)。 第一次的成立会议经于1999年12月间于泰国曼谷丝安笆卡皇宫美术馆圆满举行。世界女艺术家理事会在各地成立分会,目前理事会成员来自20多个国度/区域。

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